Man Shares His Viral Secret on How to Grow Taller

Alex Jones recently shared his jounrey of how he was able to grow from 5’6.5ft to 5’10ft (168cm to 176cm) in less than 12 weeks and with no signs of stopping!

And the most crazy part is that he managed to do this not during pubery but at the age of 33 and well after his doctors told him it was multiple times that it was impossible for him to grow taller.

But he never gave up hope and kept searching and trying different methods, speaking to experts, studying historial figures just hoping to find any possible solution to his vertial deficency.

Unti one day he learned about the story of Rustam Akhmetov.

Rustam was a soviet olympic high jumper who was the most talanted high jumper of his class but wasn’t allowed to compete because of his height which was only 5’4. His coach told him point blank that “you wont jump unless you magically grow 6 inches taller”.

What the coach meant was for him to give up on his dream but Rustam took it as a challange and in the span of 3 years was able to restart his growth spurt into over drive making him a staggering 6’2. In the end his coach allowed him to compete in the olympics and he managed to secure gold in the high jump.

When Alex heard about this he NEEDED to know how he did it, and it turned out he wasnt the only one desperate for this information.

This was how he met with a height expert Oliver Faris, who has been researching the Human Growth Hormone for well over 10 years now and has conducted myrriad of tests, anylsyses and experiments to get to the bottom of what makes us grow.